CDP Public Statement

The Congregation of Divine Providence, in collaboration with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, condemns police brutality and the killing of George Floyd. We, the Sisters of Divine Providence, stand in solidarity with those fighting for equality in our nation. We pray for the family of George Floyd and all the families that have lost loved ones victimized by prejudice and hatred. We are being called upon to stand up for change that is long overdue.
As mentioned in our chapter statement, the Sisters of Divine Providence are committed to be present as neighbor to all in need and to act with courage and collaborate with others to heal what is broken. We advocate for social justice to speak for the marginalized and to protect those who are suffering as a result of our skewed justice system.
The following is from a manuscript of our “Pioneer Sisters” written by Mother Antoinette Loth in 1926.
“One sad event happened on one of our Commencement Nights: ‘The Negro Uprising’. This is of course a purely political event. Was it not Divine Providence that no harm was done to us through the school building on the same street only two blocks away from the center of the fight? A man was shot down almost at our door. The night following and the next day and night we had between 250 and 300 Negro refugees in our basement. We gave clothing and medicine to the poor people and two dying Negroes we sent in our ambulance to an improvised hospital where they died that night. Sister George helped to bathe and dress at least a dozen babies. The Knights of Columbus and the Catholic ladies of Tulsa cooked for and waited on the poor people; they were so pleased with the attention they received. On the third day they were permitted to go out to seek” … “when they came back again for meals; they refused to go anywhere else saying ‘No, we go to the Catholic sisters. There we are waited on.’”
The Sisters of Divine Providence share this statement as an act of solidarity with those affected by the injustice and inequality that continues in our country. We urge this matter to be addressed by political leaders of the United States so that racism no longer affects the lives of innocent people.
Click here to read the full LCWR statement on the killing of George Floyd.
Approved by CDP General Council