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An Open Letter from the Congregation of Divine Providence on the Dignity of Life

Due to recent events, including the recent release of the ruling of the Supreme Court on abortion, we Sisters of Divine Providence feel compelled to reaffirm our commitment to the sanctity of life at all its stages.  This commitment calls us to work actively to change unjust structures that inhibit the support of life at all its stages. 

At times, we have been concerned that abortion has become an issue that is being manipulated for political gain, and is not about providing alternatives for people who seek them out.  Within our society there still exist conditions that place women in social conditions in which they do not feel empowered to cherish lives that they conceive. 

In order for a true end of abortion to come about, a commitment to education, empowerment and equality of women must be our goal.  We advocate for those social policies, programs, and conditions which uphold the dignity of women and enable them to protect and support the life of their children.

We join with the Vatican in hoping that the debate on the US Supreme Court ruling will not be a confrontation on political ends, but will invite us all to reflect on welcoming life, defending it, and promoting it with appropriate legislation and resources. 

These promotions must include:  universal access to quality health care and quality education; pre-natal resources and paid family leave; living wage and economic policies that respect the dignity of workers and support families; protection and welcome for immigrants and refugees; outreach to the marginalized and vulnerable; an end to human trafficking and the dismantling of racism; a commitment to peace and nonviolence; and care for creation, our common home.*

To advocate against abortion but to ignore the needs of women who carry their babies to term is a perilous course that could invite more children born into poverty, more women ill-equipped to support those children, and a larger population unable to meet its own needs.  Working with women to support life includes working for all the things mentioned in the previous paragraph, so that all men and women might live lives full of the joy of bringing to birth their offspring into a world that welcomes these children properly. 

In the Spirit of the crucified Jesus, we pray that our Provident God strengthen us to witness to the hope, joy and new life of the Resurrection.**

*These promotions taken from a July 1, 2022 letter of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. **Chapter Statement, Congregation of Divine Providence, 2017-2023. 

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