New Leadership and Chapter Statement for the Congregation of Divine Providence
The Congregation of Divine Providence announces its new leadership team. Sr. Rose Kruppa has been elected as the Superior General, and Sr. Anita Brenek as the 1st Assistant. Additionally, Sr. Joyce Detzel and Sr. Elsa Garcia have been elected as Councilors. They will assume office June 24, 2023.
We are confident that under the guidance of this new leadership, the Congregation will continue “the charism of Providence, building up our CDP community in gratitude and love for one another, empowering us for mission.” (chapter Statement 2023-2029)

Along with this change in leadership, the Congregation of Divine Providence has also written its Chapter Statement for 2023-2029. The statement reiterates that the Congregation is “entrusted with the flame of God’s loving Providence” to “share the light of hope.” This metaphor captures the essence of the Congregation’s commitment to spreading hope and love wherever they go, just as a flame illuminates the darkness and brings warmth. We believe that this new Chapter Statement will guide us as we work to “live the mission of being the loving face of our Provident God.”
Chapter Statement 2023-2029
Entrusted with the flame of God’s loving Providence, we Sisters of Divine Providence are committed to sharing its light of hope with all people. We live the mission of being the loving face of our Provident God, who delights in and provides for all creation, leading and guiding it to abundant life. We immerse ourselves more deeply in the charism of Providence, building up our CDP community in gratitude and love for one another, empowering us for mission.
As humble instruments of God’s love, we co-create a world of healing, inclusivity and unity, where every life and all creation are honored and valued. Upheld in prayer, we offer our energy and resources to take the following actions:
- Being the presence of Providence, we listen with open hearts and minds, nurturing caring relationships with those we encounter;
- Collaborating with CDP Associates, sponsored ministries and diverse groups, we address the needs of migrants, the vulnerable, and Earth;
- Uniting with our neighbors wherever we live and minister, we support life-giving communities, giving special focus to those living on the West Side of San Antonio.
Eagerly and joyfully, we carry the flame of Providence to our world in need, fully confident in the Risen Christ’s promise to all, “Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” (Mt. 28:20)
Declaración del Capítulo 2023-2029
Confiadas en el fuego amoroso de la Providencia de Dios, nosotras Hermanas de la Divina Providencia estamos comprometidas a compartir su luz de esperanza con todas las personas. Vivimos la misión de ser el rostro amoroso de nuestro Dios Providente, que se deleita y provee a toda la creación, conduciéndola y guiándola hacia la vida abundante. Nos sumergimos más profundamente en el carisma de la Providencia, construyendo nuestra comunidad CDP en gratitud y amor mutuo, capacitándonos para la misión.
Como humildes instrumentos del amor de Dios, co-creamos un mundo de sanación, inclusión y unidad, donde cada vida y toda la creación son honradas y valoradas. Apoyadas en la oración, ofrecemos nuestra energía y recursos para realizar las siguientes acciones:
- Siendo la presencia de la Providencia, escuchamos con mente y corazón abiertos, fomentando relaciones afectuosas con aquellos con quienes nos encontramos;
- Al colaborar con los asociados CDP, los ministerios patrocinados y diversos grupos, abordamos las necesidades de los migrantes, los vulnerables y la Tierra;
- Uniéndonos con nuestros vecinos dondequiera que vivamos en nuestro ministerio, apoyamos a las comunidades que dan vida, prestando especial atención a los que viven en el lado oeste de San Antonio.
Con entusiasmo y alegría, llevamos el fuego de la Providencia a nuestro mundo en necesidad, confiadas plenamente en la promesa de Cristo Resucitado nos dice: “Sepan que yo estaré siempre con ustedes; hasta el fin de los tiempos.” (Mt. 28:20)