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logo of CDP AssociatesAssociates of the Congregation of Divine Providence (ACDPs) are women and men who have experienced a call to live the mission and charism of the Congregation of Divine Providence within their particular lifestyle.

CDP Associates commit themselves in their individual settings to collaborate with the Sisters in carrying out the mission of Jesus to bring good news to the world that God loves and provides for all creation. Associates live the spirituality of the Congregation by manifesting confidence in a provident God.

Associates come from different faiths, states, countries
Associates are from diverse faith traditions who seek a formal relationship with the Sisters of Divine Providence of Texas. They live across the United States and Mexico. In San Antonio, groups meet at our sponsored institutions: Our Lady of the Lake convent, University (OLLU), and Providence Catholic School. There are also groups in various parts of Louisiana, various parts of Texas, in a multitude of states, especially in those areas where the Sisters ministered, and in Mexico.

Formation for Associates
The formation to become an Associate includes eight sessions, including the history and charism of the Congregation, the life and times of their founder, Father John Martin Moye, prayer and spirituality, and other related topics.

Providence Leadership Group (PLP)
Young adults, 18 years of age and older, who are students at OLLU are invited to become Associates through participation in the Providence Leadership Program during the fall/spring semester.

Young Adult Associates of the Congregation of Divine Providence (YAACDP)
Young adult ACDPs are invited to continue their associate relationship beyond college life and stay involved in discussion groups, service projects, and activities of the Sisters, Associates, and sponsored ministries.

CDP Associates Convocation 2019
Associates Convocation 2019
Associates Convocation 2019
Associates Convocation 2019
CDP Associates Convocation 2019Associates Convocation 2019Associates Convocation 2019Associates Convocation 2019

Contact us:

Office of Associates
515 S.W. 24th Street
San Antonio, Texas 7207-4619
Phone: (210) 434-1866 or 587-1105

More information about CDP Associates

Associates Connection February 2025
Photo Release Form

ACDP Information Sheet
ACDP Formation Application
ACDP Three Year Renewal
Hallmarks of the ACPD


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