How is God calling you?
God is calling you to live life fully. Is it to life as a Sister of Divine Providence?
God’s call starts deep within your life, giving you glimpses of who you are, seeking to catch your attention and break into your lived reality.
The call is rooted in your relationship with Jesus Christ which can be seen and felt and touched. Have you noticed your inclinations, choices, daydreams, or the mission-oriented activities that give you life? These can be indications of your call.
The women today who choose to explore becoming a Sister of Divine Providence offer God a variety of talents, backgrounds, and experiences with which to bless the world.
Exploring God’s Call Within
We offer you different ways to discern a call to religious life and ways to get to know the Sisters of Divine Providence.
Finding your direction. What comes first?
Inquiry is an important first step. As you search for God’s will in your life, we invite you to participate in any of the discernment opportunities we and your diocesan offices offer. See New Membership Events.
Affiliate – A woman who feels drawn to getting a closer look at the Sisters of Divine Providence and to exploring her “fit” with religious life can request to become an Affiliate. As an Affiliate she continues in her current living, work, and/or study arrangements while devoting focused energy on her call to religious life, and to our Congregation in particular.
Becoming a Sister of Divine Providence
The formation process formally begins with entry into the Pre-Novitiate and is an unfolding of the call of God which began at baptism. Each phase of formation begins with a formal ritual and has its own focus, and continues the discernment and commitment to respond to God’s call.
A Pre-Novice lives in community with the Sisters while ministering and/or continuing her education, from one to two years.
A Novice explores in depth the call to the vowed life as a Sister of Divine Providence, without any other full time ministry or education, for two years. She uses the title “Sister.”
A Temporary Professed Sister professes annually to live the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience while living in community and working in full-time ministry, for three to six years.
A Perpetually Professed Sister lives the vowed life in community and ministry, in a lifelong commitment to come closer to the ideals we profess.
If you would like more information regarding our discernment opportunities or the Sisters of Divine Providence, we invite you to contact us by email: Vocation Ministry
Basic Requirements
We seek women who have a call to our charism and can contribute to the life and mission of the community. The basic requirements to enter the Congregation of Divine Providence are:
- Woman called by God who is generally between the ages of 21 and 40
- Citizen or a legal resident of the United States
- Receiver of the sacraments of initiation in the Roman Catholic Church
- Woman of good canonical standing in the Roman Catholic Church
- Single and willing to live a celibate lifestyle
- Capable and willing to make a lifetime commitment
- Physically and psychologically healthy
- Capable of successful employment or engaged in higher education
- Free from serious financial debts and obligations
- Capable of successfully passing a criminal background check
Video Vignettes of Sisters of Divine Providence
Sister Megan Grewing’s story is a heartfelt reflection on her journey as a Sister of Divine Providence, having entered the congregation in 2014. She shares the joy and wisdom gained from living in an intergenerational community, highlighting the often-overlooked value of elders’ experiences. Megan is inspired by the stories of her elder sisters, who have dedicated their lives to teaching, ministering in inner cities, advocating for justice, and living out the charism of trust in Providence. Her gratitude for these role models fuels her own desire to embody gentleness, kindness, and patience in her vocation. Megan’s message is one of abundant hope, affirming that God continues to call people to holiness in today’s world.
In this #Nunday video, Sister Christina Chavez offers a powerful perspective on the vows taken by those in religious life. Rather than viewing the vows as restrictive, she reframes them as a pathway to profound freedom. By choosing to live a life rooted in poverty, chastity, and obedience, Sister Christina finds the ability to focus fully on God’s call and to serve others without distraction. Her testimony sheds light on how the vows open new doors to spiritual growth, meaningful relationships, and a life of purpose, illustrating the deep joy and liberation that come from fully embracing this commitment to faith and service.
Sister Misty Garriga shares a heartfelt reflection on religious life in this brief yet impactful video created by NRVC members in the Southwest Member Area. At the 0:45 mark, she describes religious life as “a fruitful life,” expressing the profound joy and freedom she feels in sharing her whole self with those she serves. Her words capture the essence of religious life as one of generosity, fulfillment, and a deep connection to God’s mission.
This video beautifully weaves the rich history and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence into an inspiring narrative of faith, resilience, and service. Through the imagery of a tapestry, it highlights the sacred thread of Providence, first woven by John Martin Moye and Margarita LeCompte over 200 years ago, and how it has continued to strengthen through the work of the Sisters. From their humble beginnings in Alsace-Lorraine to their impactful ministries in Texas, Mexico, and beyond, the video showcases their unwavering commitment to justice, education, and care for the poor and marginalized. Through powerful testimonies, the legacy of the Sisters shines as one of grit, compassion, and profound trust in God’s Providence, inspiring future generations to continue their mission of making a difference in the world.