General Assembly: June 20 – 24, 2022
With Boundless Confidence in God’s Providence… We Act with Courage and Collaborate with Others
Knowing nothing about tomorrow, except the Love of God will Rise before the Sun, the Sisters of Divine Providence held General Assembly (GA) during the week of June 20 -24, 2022. The GA is an annual meeting when attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and review the role and responsibilities of the congregation.
![General Assembly](
The theme for the opening prayer service was Doors of Transition. People walk through so many doors, sometimes enthusiastically, other times hesitantly, or at times unaware. Yet faith and experience serve as reminders that the Love of God is there waiting. Fr. Moye’s vision of ordinary uncloistered women teaching poor girls in the poor villages was the first door of many in the fascinating history of the CDP. Since then, many sisters from Mother St. Andrew, the founder of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Texas and Mother Florence, who moved the Motherhouse to San Antonio, to contemporary Superior Generals, have all guided the sisters through doors of transition. As they gathered for the GA, they looked to the many Sisters who have followed Christ through the doors of their lives as models for what they needed in this present moment.
![Renewal of Vows](
Monday, June 20th marked the opening of General Assembly with registration, training and a small social with refreshment. It was a great opportunity to see those sisters in person, who joined from Mexico, Missouri, California, Colorado, and from across Texas, including Austin, Houston and Midland.
Tuesday was packed with prayer and chapter planning sessions. The day culminated in a beautiful procession commemorating the transfer of the Convent Building to OLLU. A video celebrating the Convent Building is available at the bottom of this article.
Chapter planning continued Wednesday with an exceptional inter-generational conversation. The sisters also held an inspirational Mass with the Renewal of Temporary Vows by Sister Megan Grewing, Sister Christina Chávez, Sister Melissa Cessac. Congratulations Sisters!
![Jubilee Banquet](
Associates of the CDP joined the GA on Thursday and the day continued with other CDP business. The Jubilee Banquet was a lively festivity for the Jubilarians celebrating over 480 years of commitment to the Sisters of Divine Providence. Celebrating 70 years: Sisters Mary Isabel Ball, Jacinta Berger, Denise Demel, Beatrice Ann Kainer, Martha Rose Lange, and Mary Daria Rush; Celebrating 60 years: Hermana Susana María Cárdenas
Friday wrapped up the event with closing remarks and a blessing. A memorial service was also held, remembering the lives of the dear departed Sisters who have gone before us. Remember and give thanks for: Sister Rose Corrine Medica, Sister Joanne Eustice, Sister Julie Budai, Associate Charlene Cribley, Associate Jo Ann Rachal, Associate Linda Ruth Ebeling, Associate Cynthia Phillips, Sister John Martin Ebrom, Sister Mary Louise Becerra, Associate Judith Resendez, Associate Carmen C. Guajardo, Associate Dorothy Van Gossen Harmeier, Associate Kathy Meric, Associate Rita Frey Reed Hebert, Associate Yvonne Uriegas
Special THANK YOU to the Assembly Planning Committee: Sr. Anita Brenek, Sr. Anne Michele Berry, Sr. Melissa Cessac, Sr. Barbara Fry, Sr. Carolyn Pelzel, and to the Chapter Planning Committee: Sr. Pearl Ceasar, Sr. Elizabeth Carrasco, Sr. Misty Carriga, Sr. Barbara Lynn Hyzak, Sr. Rose Kruppa, Sr. Frances Lorene Lange, Sr. Margie Klien