McCullough Hall in Need of Homemade Face Masks

As the US authority on coronavirus protocols and protection to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, the CDC is reportedly weighing its recommendation for the general public about wearing face masks in public, according to the Washington Post.
The Congregation of Divine Providence is in need of homemade masks for McCullough Hall Nursing Center staff. Supplies in McCullough Hall are running low, and we currently have a two-week supply. Though we’ve ordered more masks, the receipt of our order has been delayed. We need the help of our supporters and partners in ministry to make homemade masks for staff. Below are instructional PDFs that will guide you in a step-by-step process. Follow the link to find a store near you for mask supplies.
Requirements for the homemade mask making process:
- Material used must be cotton
- Must include a pocket filter (we will provide)
- Wire is optional
If you feel that sewing masks may not be your calling, feel free to donate unopened boxes of facial tissue, hand sanitizer, latex gloves or make a financial contribution at