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Our Spirit, Our Four Fundamental Virtues

The fundamental virtues of our Providence Community–abandonment to Divine Providence, simplicity, poverty, charity–constitute our essential and unique spirit.



To be abandoned to Divine Providence is to place ourselves and our world in the hands of God whose love and power accomplish more than we can understand. It is our trusting response to God, who leads us to live in justice, peace, freedom and love.

To live in simplicity is to act always with a God-centered singleness of heart and purpose which enables us to come before God and our neighbor in sincerity of heart and mind. Our lifestyle is simple and unpretentious.

To live the virtue of poverty is to live without excessive goods and comforts, maintaining only what we need to carry out our mission. Freedom from dependence on possessions liberates us to do God’s work.

To live by charity is to respond to the compassionate love of God by an outpouring of the words and deeds of mercy.

Act of Abandonment to Divine Providence

Providence of my God, I adore you in all your designs.  I place my destiny in your hands, confiding to you all that I have, all that I am, and all that I am to become, my body and my soul, my health and reputation, my life, my death, and my eternal salvation.  As I rely entirely upon you and expect all from your goodness, I will not give myself up to any useless anxiety.  I confide to you the success of all my undertakings, and in all difficulties, I will have recourse to you as a never failing source of help.  I know that you will either preserve me from the evils I dread, or turn them to my good and your glory.  Peaceful and contented in all, I will allow your Providence to govern my life without worry or over eagerness.

Holy, wise, generous, and loving Providence!  I thank you for the tender care you have taken of me up to this moment.  I humbly and earnestly entreat you to continue the same for me; direct all that I do, guide me in your ways, govern me at every moment of my life, and bring me to the fullness of being that you have destined for me from all eternity.  May I please you and give you glory forever.  Amen.

Our Mission and Vision

We Sisters of Divine Providence are a community of women within the Catholic Church who dedicate our lives totally to furthering the mission of Jesus in the world.

Rooted in profound confidence in God’s providential love and care for all, we commit our lives, our ministries, and our resources to furthering the mission of Jesus.

We envision a world in which, through Christ, God’s way of justice, peace, freedom and love is manifest among all people and all creation.

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