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Seeds of Hope and new habits for Laudato Si’ Week 2024

On the feast of Pentecost, Sunday, May 19, Laudato Si’ Week 2024, commemorating the 9th anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’ on the care of creation, will begin. It will last until Sunday, May 26, and will announce (as in previous years) Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, September 1, the beginning of the Season of Creation

Convinced along with Pope Francis that “there are no lasting changes without cultural changes… and there are no cultural changes without personal changes” (LD 70), Catholics around the world will join in daily challenges that motivate changes in personal habits, and gradually transform societies.

The theme of this year’s Laudato Si’ Week is inspired by the Season of Creation 2024 symbol, “the firstfruits of hope”. Hope is an instrument that enables us to overcome the natural law of decadence; only through it can we realize the gift of freedom in its fullness.

The week’s Celebration Guide proposes daily actions such as inspiring ecological conversion, promoting sustainable transportation and food, reducing waste, and learning about integral ecology, among other things. Each day proposes a specific theme that addresses aspects of integral ecology.

Through inspirational quotes and practical activities, the guide is a valuable resource to inspire meaningful changes in people’s interaction with the environment. It aims to foster a deeper respect for creation, promote sustainable habits and deepen commitment to a lifestyle that respects the Creator’s handiwork.

Laudate Deum, the apostolic exhortation Pope Francis issued in October 2023, is a reminder of the urgency of the Laudato Si’ message and the need for personal and cultural transformation in the midst of our ecological and climate crisis.

Laudato Si’ Week is sponsored by the Vatican Dicastery for  Promoting Integral Human Development, among other organizations, and facilitated by Laudato Si’ Movement.Learn more by visiting the website

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