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Sister Rose Kruppa, Pastoral Ministry

Kruppa-pastoralministrySister Rose Kruppa, San Antonio, Texas, is the Pastoral Associate at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. She is a member of the Leadership Team for the parish and oversees all pastoral planning, visioning and implementation; directs the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process; directs parish-wide communications and discipleship/stewardship efforts; serves as a leadership team member who plans liturgies; and assists families with funeral planning and other bereavement ministries. At St. Francis, the focus is on the “weekend experience” and Sister Rose attends every Mass and regularly interacts with parish families.

This ministry allows her to use her leadership and communication skills, her organizational development training, and her relational skills in service to God’s people in an amazing, very dynamic, diverse and participative parish community. She is a life-long learner who is fond of researching best practices for use in any organizational setting. In the seven years she has ministered at St. Francis, the parish has consistently and intentionally used social media, a newly designed website and print materials that attract parishioners to greater involvement as intentional disciples. The parish is known for its hospitality and welcoming spirit, participative liturgies, phenomenal outreach and spiritual growth through processes of conversion provided by RCIA and ACTS retreats. Recently, the parish has incorporated “big room planning” that has the leadership of parish ministries and organization together in one room to communicate and to collaborate on goals and projects.

Sr. Rose is leading and facilitating the on-going process of identifying pastoral priorities. Current priorities include continued welcome of young families to faith formation processes, initiation of activities and opportunities for spiritual growth for young adults, and strengthening youth ministry. Additionally, Sister Rose will be guiding the transition process of saying farewell to the two priests who are leaving St. Francis and welcoming two new priests mid-year.

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