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Giving to the Sisters of Divine Providence

For over 250 years, the Sisters of Divine Providence have dedicated their lives to educating, caring for the sick and ministering to those in need. Today, the Sisters continue to be active in the community and in their ministries to make a substantial impact for the years to come. Please support the Sisters of Divine Providence in their commitment to fulfilling the mission of Jesus.

Tribute Gifts

Funeral card for Sister Janet Griffin

Your generous gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence can be a fitting tribute to a friend, respected colleague or loved one. Consider celebrating the life of a loved one by making a donation in their honor or memory.

Memorial gifts help to remember fondly those we have lost. When you make a gift to the Congregation of Divine Providence in memory of someone, we will send a letter to the person you designate, on our stationery (keeping the amount confidential) or, if you prefer, you can send a note personally.

Honor gifts are a wonderful way to acknowledge special people or life events such as a milestone birthday or anniversary. Or perhaps the recipient is someone who would appreciate a gift that has meaning. A donation in honor of the recipient will help support the continuing work of the Sisters. When you make a gift to the Congregation of Divine Providence in honor of someone, we will send a letter to this person on our stationery (keeping the amount confidential) or, if you prefer, you can send a note personally.

Monthly Gifts

We are sincerely grateful to our supporters who believe deeply enough in our mission and ministry to give on a regular basis. Their recurring contributions mean that our work continues, in schools and communities, parishes and hospitals, across Texas, throughout the United States and beyond. As a nonprofit consistency is critical so that we can ensure continuity of our ministry work and provide for the future of our retired Sisters. By becoming a monthly donor you are helping us build strength and stability as Partners in Mission.

Benefits for our Monthly Donors:

  • Hassle-free monthly donations.
  • Automatic donation payment from your credit card or checking account.
  • The knowledge that your donation is put to work immediately.
  • An annual statement provided for tax purposes.
  • The ability to change or suspend your donation at any time.

Direct Your Gift

Sister Lourdes with child in Mexico

Your contributions make it possible for the Sisters of Divine Providence to continue life-changing ministry work in Texas, around the country and as far away as Mexico and Haiti. Most important, every donation—no matter the amount—profoundly touches the lives of the Sisters and those we serve.

You can directly select the type of activity you wish to support by choosing from several restricted funds.

  • Ministries in Mexico
  • Future Membership
  • Providence Trust
  • Moye Retreat Center
  • Care of the Sisters
  • Associates Fund

Deferred Gifts

Giving can also go on beyond your own lifetime through carefully considered planned gifts. There are different gift options to suit your financial goals. Every donation—no matter the amount—makes a difference in the Sisters’ ability to serve others through ministry, as well as ensuring the future well-being of our Sisters and our Congregation.

Your planned gift today, whether through a bequest, life insurance, real-estate, retirement accounts, tax rollovers, or other various options, can have a significant and lasting impact for our Congregation and the continuing ministries of our Sisters.


Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to the Sisters and your community. You can leave a bequest to the Congregation of Divine Providence by adding to an existing will or drafting a new one. You can pledge a gift of a dollar amount, specific property, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate after distributions to other beneficiaries.

Life Insurance

Giving through life insurance is one of the simplest ways to make a significant contribution to the Congregation of Divine Providence and establish your legacy. You can designate the Congregation of Divine Providence as the primary or secondary beneficiary of either all or some percentage of the proceeds from the policy, or you can transfer ownership of the policy to the Congregation, even if you are continuing to make payments.

Please Let Us Know

We ask that you inform us of your intention to make a gift by completing the Letter of Intent form (pdf) or by contacting us.

The discussion here is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Please consult your personal tax and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to the Congregation of Divine Providence. We would be happy to discuss, in confidence, ways in which you can support the Sisters and their ministries.

Thank you for considering the Congregation of Divine Providence in your future giving plans! If you have any questions about giving to the Congregation, please feel free to contact us.

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